I missed the first half hour the first time I saw Starsky and Hutch.
Huggy Bear: "Hey, hey, hey, slow up, man. Around here, we govern ourselves. Think of us like uh, Luxembourg. You dig?"
Starsky: "No, I don't dig."
Lamell: "You see, Luxembourg's a contitutional monarchy, an independent sovereign state established after the Treaty of Vienna."
Leon: "Technically, it a part of Europe. But in reality, they govern themselves. Like us."
Lamell: "Just like us."
* * *
Huggy Bear: "Oh, no. Hell no."
Hutch: "What happened? Did he shoot Corky?"
Huggy Bear: "Your boy shot his tail off."
Lamell: "Corky lost his tail?"
Starsky: "Yeah, well, you should keep that thing in a terrarium."
Huggy Bear: "Man, what the hell is a terrarium?"
Leon: "What the fuck is a terrarium?"
Lamell: "A terrarium is an artifirial ecosystem. It's designed to simulate Corky's natural habitat."
Leon: "Well, I can dig that. But I say we shoot him in the ass."
Lamell: "Oh, hell, yeah. An eye for an eye."
Hutch: "Whoa, take it easy. Huggy, help me out here."
Huggy: "Hey, hey, hey, slow up, fellas. An iguana can lose his tail and grow it back. He regenerates. That's how he escapes his predator."
Lamell: "Yeah, it's true. It's a defense mechanism. I read it in a magazine."
Leon: "So him shooting Corky's tail off and us shooting him in the ass, it really ain't the same thing."
Huggy: "Nah, the punishment don't fit the crime. "