Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I Am Beavis and Butthead

The only "interesting" (a relative term) thing I do is watch MTV (at night; Saved by the Bell in the morning), and afterwards comment on it in this blog; therefore, I have devolved into a one-man Beavis and Butthead. It's a testimony to how much MTV I've seen in recent months, that I can even make that reference.

Today's topic: the All-American Rejects
These guys used to be so cute! I always thought their music was pretty dopey, but it was still worth it to dish it out for their live shows because they were so darn cute. That is, until their new (??? because it seemed like the single was released on radio over a year ago) video for Move Along. I never thought I'd say this about anyone, but they need to put on some weight. Those guys look terrible now, esp. the singer/bassist, who used to be such a doll. Take off the weight, and suddenly he looks like he's about 40; plus his nose gets bigger. And can you believe it, he's younger than me!

Well, maybe it would have been harder to believe back when I was, say, actually young.


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