Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to Stop Prostitution

Stop criminalizing the victims.

The policy behind the prohibition of prostitution is to stop the exploitation of women. Sometimes people argue - correctly, I think - that prostitution exploits and harms all women, even those who are not prostitutes. But it seems like people often buy the theory that we should be concerned about the prostitutes themselves. The argument goes that particular women - the poor, the uneducated, and the minorities - are particularly vulnerable to sexual exploitation because they have few other options for survival. In order to protect these women from taking this "easy out," we as a society outlaw prostitution.

If this argument is followed to its logical conclusion, it makes no sense to make criminals of those women who succumb to the very harms that the law wants to protect them from. The prostitutes are the victims. Punishing them would be like punishing slaves, on the theory that forced labor is illegal.

I had this revelation when a friend told me that teen sexting is a felony: child pornography. That is, a teenager who takes salacious photos of herself on her cell phone can face up to 2 years in prison. When I heard about this, it occurred to me that something was wrong. True, the teen was the one holding the camera and committing the act we want to discourage; but it was also true that the whole point of having that law was to protect that teen. While the prohibition made sense, I thought there should have been a better way to sanction that activity, other than jail time.

Another analogy might be certain parts of immigration policy. For example, the T visa pardons those illegal immigrants who enter the US as a result of trafficking, and the U visa pardons those illegal immigrants who were the victims of serious crimes. The purpose of these laws is not to establish that sometimes, it's okay to enter the country illegally. Neither visa really addresses the immigrant's wrongful acts, and to be fair, it seems like in a lot of cases the immigrant is partially responsible for his or her own exploitation. Instead, these visas address a completely different policy goal, which is to stop activities that hurt people. Lawmakers determined that this policy is best served by encouraging the victims to come forward and cooperate with the police. The victims are given visas so that they can do this better, and not because they somehow "deserve" to be in the country because of their sufferings. The thorny issue that their immigration was in all other respects illegal is tabled in service of a goal separate from immigration policy per se.

This area of the law strikes me as being particularly enlightened and instructive. In an ideal world, surely there wouldn't be illegal immigrants any more than there would be trafficking or crimes. But ours is not an ideal world, and we can recognize that the existence of an undesirable act does not mean that we need to criminalize every one involved in it. Some people should be held accountable, and others should not.

The same holds true for prostitution. By subjecting the victims of the undesirable act to criminal liability, we discourage them from coming forward and reporting their exploiters. Pimps and johns are able to intimidate them into silence because these women are, in the eyes of the law, guilty. Instead of equating the victims with their exploiters, we should do for prostitution what we did in the T and U visas, and give the victims an incentive (or at least take away a disincentive) to further law enforcement efforts. We should attach criminal liability only to pimps and johns - those participating in the exploitation that the law means to prohibit.

Freeing the prostitutes from such liability would not only encourage prostitutes to report their victimization; it would also discourage johns from initiating the activity in the first place. Even if there were a prostitute who was perfectly capable and willing to sell her body in the ideal capitalist market of autonomous buyers and sellers, the john would have reason to rethink the transaction if he alone were to face adverse consequences. He would no longer be able to hide behind the prostitute's mutual guilt. This outcome would advance the other half of anti-prostitution policy: to halt the exploitation of all women through the commodification of the body. Thus, even if we were in a world where we could argue that prostitutes are not victims of their socio-economic disadvantages, and thus not in need of protection or undeserved pardon, we can still effectively stop an activity that society has deemed harmful.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

To Dave K, with Gratitude for Setting Me Straight

Then I remember
why I left them in my past:
bullets wisely dodged.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Things Must Change

Things must change. If not,
your younger, happier self
mocks unbearably.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Learned So Little

Nostalgia series
didn't quite work out because
I learned so little.


Science Fair Project

Baking soda plus
red vinegar. Volcano
in paper mache.


Just Say No

Just say no to drugs.
If they were your real friends,
they'd still think you're cool.



"When will we ever
use algebra?" we'd complain.
Picked our battles well.


California Public Education (Circa 1995)

Denzel Washington's
claim to fame in "science" books:
symmetrical face.


Monday, March 14, 2011


Man's antithesis:
infinite, without order,
perfect, and cream-filled.


The Game

"Game" should expand pie:
make utils for both lovers,
not zero-sum prize.


Friday, March 11, 2011


The vicissitudes of life.

Sad, to become finally

A bamboo shoot.

- Basho

Scratched Vinyl

Like scratched, wrecked vinyl,
soul worn with needled groove of
once-comforting songs.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Low Expectations

Expect the worst: get
the worst. Prince slipped through the cracks.
My cynical fault.


Wednesday, March 09, 2011

To M.

He was right to leave.
I'm doomed to unhappiness,
being dead inside.


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Charlie Sheen is Not Filial

If this op-ed is not a parody, I will know that there is joy and goodness and harmony and love in this cold world. Only a true God could deliver a gift this beautiful.


By Hao Leifeng

Actor Charlie Sheen is a classic example of the difference in Western and Eastern values and norms.

Ignoring public pleas from his father, Sheen has continued a weeklong media blitz, exhibiting obvious signs of mania. With no firm hand to guide them, Western media has deliberately goaded him into making increasingly delusional statements, more concerned about "winning" higher ratings than Sheen's own sense of pride, or the negative example his brash public admissions about his private sex life and unverifiable international conspiracies could be setting for society.

How many young people have been led astray by Sheen's boasts about his substance abuse and freewheeling sex life? And that was when he was in character on national television, as a randy bachelor in Two and a Half Men.

Sheen attracted 1 million Twitter followers in just 24 hours, yet more evidence that microblogs spread the most unhealthy contagions in society like a disease. Chinese family, coworkers, or the authorities would have taken firm steps to make sure someone like Sheen did not make a public spectacle of himself.

Take Edison Chen, who humbly apologized and slipped away to Canada. Or Li Gang's father, who wept as he sought forgiveness on his son's behalf.

The fact that Sheen continues to embarrass himself unabated, becoming even a hero to many, points to the vast differences in cultures.

His employers are unhappy that he was distracted with prostitutes and drugs, and didn't show up to work on time. Why not take a tip from the Chinese business community, and make visits to a KTV parlor part of Sheen's workday?

And instead of epic parties at his home with porn stars, why not keep Sheen occupied with business banquets?

Sheen goes on television and boasts that he has two girlfriends, who both sleep in the same bedroom. Is he too poor to set up his wives and mistresses in different houses?

In Chinese society, these problems are dealt with delicately and privately. Sheen is like a typical Westerner throwing fuel on the fire with each interview and tweet. It is almost as if he feels no shame and is loving the attention.

Racism, spousal abuse, addiction, politics, mental illness, boasting about mistresses, - these are all subjects best dealt with behind closed doors.

As much as Sheen has lived a life most Chinese men can only fantasize about, our admiration of him can only go so far. He has not only lost face with his public rants, but also crossed a cultural barrier no Chinese can abide.

He ignored his own father's advice to keep quiet, who was once the president of the US. Sheen is a disgrace, unfilial to his father and his fatherland.

Martin Sheen should at once go on television and tearfully apologize on behalf of his son for his inability to keep up appearances and keep his mouth shut.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Venus de Milo

Funny aesthetic
Romans had: perfect beauty
was armless woman.



Sexy butterball,
camel toe, no face - hot damn!
Willendorf Venus.

Sexy butterball,
camel toe, no face - wet dream!
Willendorf Venus.


Science Joke

In grade school we learned
about Homo erectus.
Hee hee hee! Good one.


Sunday, March 06, 2011


Did she die relieved,
last Neanderthal, cornered
by Cro-Magnon hate?


Tuesday, March 01, 2011

My Dream Guy

Former heart-throb, now
fat: my dream guy. For clearly
he don't give a fuck.
