Sunday, April 30, 2006

Things in Fashion That Have Worn Out Their Welcome

1. Brown
2. Suede and crochet - overkill on the natural, country look.
3. Wedge heeled shoes - a poor man's high heel. If you want to be sexy, wear stilletos. Wedges make you look undecided and unconfident...and I don't know, they don't flatter the shape of the leg.
4. Everything 80s - I thought the leggings were rock bottom, but I saw a new low with the come back of Wash-N-Curl shampoo.

Saturday, April 29, 2006


I just learned tonight that one of my friends has developed a crush on another one of my friends...and I think she was drunk when she revealed it to me, because otherwise she should have known better than to reveal it to me.

Countdown to see how long I can keep my frickin mouth shut. This is a real challenge, because I really don't want to betray anyone's trust. Sometimes I don't care, but this time I care.

Friday, April 28, 2006

American Idol's Ace Young

I hear just got axed this week. Too bad! He was my friend by just two (or is it one? friend's friend) degrees of separation. Oh well. I guess if I really cared I should have started watching the show.

Sneaking Suspicion

Last night, in the delirious wee hours of the morning, I whipped up two pages of my paper with more ease than usual, and while lying in bed. I had a sneaking suspicion that what I was writing was crap, and so I decided to stop and go to sleep.

I spent the last three hours revising last night's work, and adding footnotes and quotes in Greek (both of which are the time-consuming and laborious parts of research papers). I realized that the crap I wrote last night was actually not that bad. If I had known, I would have rode out the feeling and written more.


A while back I went to this truly excellent New Wave/80s pop/rock/indie dance party. A few minutes ago I was listening to She Wants Revenge, which I reviewed before, and I decided that my first impressions were exactly right: it really is a strange thing when a bunch of hipster geeks get it in their heads that they want to play dance music.

The reason the sound is so bizarre is because it's an anachronism. Back in the 80s, when that dance pop sound had its first heyday, the listerners weren't rejects with no rhythm, but regular people who went to real dance parties. But these days the only people who would listen to the whole New Order revival thing are nostalgic intellectuals - whose natural habitat is NOT the dance floor. This became clear to me when I went to the New Wave party. It was still very excellent, because nostalgia attracts a wider crowd than hipsterhood alone, and for whatever reason there was also a solid queer contingency; but it was clear that a third of the crowd, the hipster part, was there to see and be seen. Even I would have to agree that it would have broken their cool to join in with the dancing...clashes with their mission statement.

I'm totally down with this beautiful mezcla of poses - which is kinda MY mission statement; and hey and good party is a good party - until the cool intellectual hipsters attempt to MAKE dance music. They're just not in their element then, and the result is this weird techno-rock sound that you can't actually dance to if you tried (She Wants Revenge).

* * *

The paradox also has symmetry on the other side. So rhythmless hipsters are drawn to this sound and scene that "regular" people would consider nostalgic dance pop. The "regular" people, meanwhile, go out dancing to places that spin contemporary pop and hip-hop. They are convinced that these are the hottest spots, and they turn their noses at places that spin "techno" as being boring, unsexy, and undanceable. What most of them don't realize - and I've observed this often - is that the this undanceable sound is far closer to what the real, serious dancers are into. I'm not totally up-to-date on this last scene (those who take dancing as a lifestyle), but I do know that at least 4 years ago, jungle house-type stuff was what real B-boys and B-girls were following. Isn't that funny? What most people regarded as rhythmless noise was the soundtrack for the crowd with the most rhythm.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Memory Lane

I've busted out some Guns N' Roses, my first love, while I'm studying for this bullshit test. The thing about GNR is that it feels completely native to me - one could say that it was the vine pole I grew around - so that I find it the least distracting, which makes it excellent for studying.

The only thing that would make it distracting on this evening (other than the fact that I don't want to be studying for this text) is that I haven't listened to the Illusions in a long time. While Appetite is my present favorite and the objective best, I realized that the Ilusions are more the soundtrack of my life circa ages 9-16. And having that recollection of what feelings of isolation and hopelessness dominated my psyche back then, I suddenly remembered how I got to where I am. And my God, it blows your mind away. Looking back on the path makes you realize how accidental it all was.

If the nine-year-old me were to jump into a time machine and meet me now...?

I think the kid would be disappointed. Two things are true: first, Axl Rose 1991 was far crazier and far deeper than Axl Rose 1987; and second, I'm definitely more on the same wavelength now as Axl 1987. Part of it is just a function of our similarities in age, and so it makes sense that I would experience the same nihilistic, violent, and impatient joie de vivre that is appropriate for this time of life. But the real disappointing thing is that I must be less deep of a person than I was when I was nine.


Because the truth is I'm not plagued anymore by a conviction in isolation and hopelessness. And yet, in a detached way, I know that these are the human condition. The nine-year-old me knows it too, and would be puzzled to find out that I've forgotten.

I would refer him or her to a conversation I had recently with Que-ni, about how the years between 21 and 30 show more growth and maturity than the years between, say, 12 and 21. Perhaps my past is a sign of things to come. Let's say at 14 I went through a profound period that made me identify with the life and times of Axl Rose at 28. It follows that when I'm 28 I will again become profound in a way that resembles my first profound period, because that first period was just a shadow version of what's appropriate at 28.

Still, it fucks with your head to think that you will become again what you've travelled so far to stop being. And that the real stranger is the you of now.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Good Laugh

I don't know what made me think of this conversation I had last week. We were talking about how this friend's friend was dating someone with a four-year-old kid, and how he was basing future career decisions on what would be compatible with all their lives; and my friend and I were marvelling that he could do this. As far as I'm concerned, "person with child" is where I draw a very hard line, and my friend agreed.

"But who knows, maybe you can't help it. Dave found his soul mate, and it just happens to be the case that she comes with Bal-" giggle "with little Balthezar!"

And we had a good laugh over this poor kid Balthezar's name for like three whole minutes.

Current Audio

Dick Dale

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Free Ice Cream

A few more hours left of Ben and Jerry's annual Free Cone Day.

Monday, April 24, 2006


"Headache like a mother twice the price of my thrills." The reason for that is because I didn't have any thrills! These last two nights I've been plagued with headache and dizziness, and from doing nothing more decadent than revising my paper. It's a wonder I was able to finish it. Hey I guess finishing a paper counts as a thrill. Maybe I'm having caffeine withdrawals, or maybe I'm dehydrated, or maybe this is how I internalize stress, because God knows I've become so good at repressing stress that I barely even notice it anymore (it's essential to my slacker persona).

On a completely unrelated note: I have these moments every now and then when I'll glimpse myself in the mirror and suddenly realize that my head is too big for my body. It's like something I recall about a discussion once about Russian Formalism and how certain objects can trigger a sudden defamiliarizing experience. I just had one of those defamiliarizing experiences now with my head and the mirror, but this time, in addition to the surprise at my head's size, I was surprised by a certain shapelessness to my face. Chin growing double, eyes kinda squinty. I'm getting old. For the first time in my life. As soon as I graduate from the Pimple Squad I join the geezer's club. Why can't we be just be cute? The gods must be jealous and vengeful.

Thankfully I have modern science on my side. When I go home, I'm going to get facials and spa stuff and exercise this second chin away, and go into full-blown Denial. Vanquish time.


I'm waiting for someone on the internet to transcript last night's Family Guy, but no one seems to be up to the task. Wikipedia says that it's airing again on Adult Swim on June 11, so maybe I'll catch it again.

Anyways, I don't normally find this show to be terribly funny, but there was one scene from last night's episode that made me stop with horror first, then laugh helplessly - my favorite kind of laughter. It was the scene in which Peter recalls the time he tried to keep a rat farm. A rat couple takes on the role of impoverished (Latino) farmers, while Peter is the big, mean, mafioso boss demanding rent. The husband rat says, "We work and work, but the land, she gives nothing." Peter says maybe they can work something out.

Husband Rat: "No, no! Not my beloved! Anything but that."
Wife Rat: "No Armando, it's for the children."

And she proceeeds to strip off her peasant clothes, weeping and exclaiming "Dios mio," while Peter looks on muttering, "Mmm, yeah. That's good."

Haha! So fucked up!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Society Sucks (local, not global, sense)

A mundane observation, true, but I figured out that dating sucks because it's a social activity. Man is not an island, etc. It's like I tell my mom: we can't be expected to date within all THEIR crazy norms (like, maintain a string of 10 or so "boyfriends" or "girlfriends" without ever kissing any of them; or, have no contact with the opposite sex until 23, but get married by 24...I know, wtf; and that's only as far I've kind of been able to comprehend), because if we did, the number of people in our dating circle would be precisely ZERO. Like communism, the system only works if the rest of the world subscribes.

But unlike commies with their commie causes, I can't just say Fuck Society when it comes to dating. If I were to have pulled a dating Waldo, I would have contractually bound myself to my first honey. I was eighteen at the time (a late bloomer), and ready to fall in love, and to find the person who would make me feel special and whom I could dedicate myself to making happy. Since then things have changed. Not only am I more conscious about the importance of being independent and feeling special on my own, but I'm also totally caught up in the "game."

It came up in a conversation with the Bang today how certain relationships, and phases in our lives, and sometimes even personalities, are grounded in non-permanence. Specifically, it's often the case that in dating a man 23 to 29, the raison d'etre is nothing more than a good time, temporary companionship, and maybe learning a thing or two about yourself. And though rarely articulated to herself in so many words, these are exactly the things that a woman dating a man 23 to 29 is looking for - that's why she's dating him, even if she may have a slightly more formed idea in her head that it's possible to settle down if she's found the right man.

I bring this up because I've entered a phase, for better or for worse, where the above things - good time, companionship, and self-discovery - are my dating priorities. And I'm embittered because I have a sneaking suspicion it was never supposed to be this way. What these priorities entail is that I get a kick out of being a player, by competing and winning at the game; that my eye is always wandering for a better prize; that I'm ready to bail rather than sacrifice any part of my well-being; that if I'm not having a good time it's not even worth it.

My beef is, how is this good for monogamy? Isn't it strange that we're expected to date one way, but then just turn off these habits one day when we enter contract? Like I said, it would have been better if I got contractually committed back when I was still an idealist and ready for true love. Now, after all the heartbreak, I've trained myself to be able to be interested in other people even when I'm madly in love with the one. Folk wisdom says that you can't be happy in a marriage unless you've seen what else is out there - which is true insofar is everyone else gets to see what else is out there, and I wouldn't want to be the only one left out - but I'm thinking in an ideal world, all of us would just marry our first loves. And wouldn't you know, that's sort of the way it used to be...

Whoa, I'm hungry. I'm afraid that train of thought just trailed off.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Cheap Trick on Tour

I can't believe I didn't know about this sooner!

It may have something to do with the fact that I'm not a true Cheap Trick (music) fan, but I only pretend to be because I think they're a hoot to look at. At any rate, since I claim Cheap Trick as one of my "interests" in my profile, and some of you may be relying on me for your CT news, I'm giving you the 411.

Fat Liver

is a condition in which you're so obese that the fat deposits in the remoter areas of your body start to ferment, releasing a steady flow of alcohol into your bloodstream so that you're not only fat but also drunk all the time. Hey hey what can I do.

Friday, April 21, 2006


My first from Mystery Science Theater 3000, and -

GodDAMN! That shit is funny.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

External Personae

One of my new readers recently told me that my blog showed a side of me that he didn't know existed. At the time, I naturally assumed he meant my humorous or witty, or even my moody, side. Then I found out that what he actually meant was the side of me that had a brain!


As disconcerting as this was, it reminded me of a series of conversations I had over the last two weeks about external personae. On more than one occassion, I found myself making an argument in favor of the importance of appearances. The standard thing to say is that it's what's inside that counts; but I maintain that what's outside can often speak volumes about who you WANT to be or what you VALUE - which can sometimes be an even weightier matter than who you ARE, at a discreet moment in time. For example, I used to have a huge problem with my friend's former Ideal Girl because of what I called her "presentation." She was very nice and well-meaning, but a little naive, and that led her to act like a gianormous pedant all the time. The problem I had with her was not that she was a nerd, nor that she talked a lot, nor even a combination of the two; what bothered me was that somehow she had it in her head that it was OKAY to be a pedant, and that it represented something she valued - and that to me was intensely objectionable, and something a bit more eternal than a transitory personal trait.

On the reverse side of this same proposition, another friend was telling me that one reservation she had about getting into a particular romantic relationship (I forget the context and the details; it made more sense at the time), was that she was shy. But she didn't think that this would be a valid concern for her partner because he didn't see her as shy. My response was that what he saw, or what was "true" even, was not relevant; what mattered was that she thought she was shy, and that alone made it a significant part of who she was. This is a slight contradiction to what I was saying earlier about how external characteristics reflect an inner life, but I believe that the basic frame of my hypothesis remains consistent - that is, the opposition between Who you are vs. Who you think you are.

Of course, it's possible to go too far with this privileging of the self-gaze. Just go to any rockabilly concert and you'll immediately see that when taken to its absurdest extreme, self-fashioning becomes a big joke. The "wannabe" part of you, manifested in the deliberate and the external - far from speaking volumes about a nascent you - says nothing about you at all...except perhaps that you're pathetic...or maybe potentially or partially pathetic.

But for every rockabilly loser there is a Fat Elvis - example most dear to my heart! I've written about him before, but it wouldn't be unproductive to reiterate how AWESOME he is for molding his identity through sheer will and force of personality, even though nature was against him. He wasn't so sexy anymore on the outside, but it didn't matter because he was still sexy on the inside. Fat and sweaty, he totally rocked the glitter suits and fringed scarves and he gyrated his hips and crooned love songs until denial became reality. And the proof the force of his personality rests in the incredible success had had as a young man, and the earth-shattering revolution he started. Surely, Elvis was not the best-looking guy in the world circa 1955, and guitar players didn't even have the cache then that they have now. But Elvis changed all that, and singlehandedly redefined dripping panties. How? Denial first, then the rest follows.

Anyways. Going back to the first matter on hand, I wonder what it says about me that my exterior declares me "nicht so klug," as they say in German. Part of me thinks that I just want to avoid responsibility, by announcing my unreliability up front, but another part thinks that I might be a bona fide anti-intellectual (= hate nerds, afraid of being one). Yet another part of me is convinced that pain is the essence of humanity, and therefore that Spastic Rex is my most human side.

Das ist mir Wurst.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Worst Episode Ever

Word on the street is that after firing Michael Vartan, Alias FINALLY realized who their audience was - women who love Michael Vartan. They killed him off several episodes ago, then their ratings took a plunge, then the show was taken off the air for a while, and now they're making a big deal about his comeback with a two hour special-episode.

Nevermind that it was two hours long - in fact, two hours longer than it needed to be. Nevermind that there are these two peripheral characters we don't give a shit about, and plus the dude is ugly. Nevermind that nothing really happened. What really pisses me off is the big Michael Vartan moment, built up so much as it was, lasted exactly half a second.

Those manipulative fucks.

Crazy or Faking It?

"I want to be tied down. If I had a girl, I'd have no problem marrying her right now. I have a reason to get up in the morning - seriously, I love my work - but I'd like a reason to go home at night."

"For real? My reason for getting up in the morning is Saved by the Bell."

Speaking of which -
Jessie: "We were discussing the benefits of having a female president. She is long overdue."
Zach: "Just like a woman: always late."

Sunday, April 16, 2006

12 Imaginary Inches

Ever notice how punk rock is more often than not bad, and that there is always this influx of upstarts and garage bands who think that they have the key to being the next Clash?...or I don't know, maybe the Dead Kennedys, or the Adolescents, would be more accurate. But regardless, then the upstarts invariably turn out sounding awful, or at best, just very average, boring, and unremarkable.

True, every genre has this problem, but it's especially aggravated in punk, I believe, because the three-chord standard encourages more people to try.

The other problem - and I just discovered this last night - is that no one actually knows what constitutes excellent punk. I'm convinced that this is true. Even the people who were successful at it one time really had stumbled onto the secret ass-backwards, as it were; and not understanding the process, they are not entirely capable of reproducing it.

Take for instance the Stitches, one of my recent crazes. Their 8x12" from about 10 years ago was truly excellent. I've come to believe that people should not attempt to sound like the Sex Pistols because the Sex Pistols didn't exactly leave much lattitude for invention in their style; but if there was anything that managed to inherit the Sex Pistols sound and STILL be fresh and exciting, it was 8x12". Seriously, that's much more a unique and ambitious accomplishment that one might think.

Then yesterday I got in the mail my copy of the Stitches' sophomore cd (as far as I can tell), 12 Imaginary Inches. I thought the band had cracked the code, but it turns out that 8x12", like all good punk, was a mere accident. 12 Imaginary Inches ranged from mediocre to poor, awash in the vast ocean of music just like it.

I was pretty sad.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Crazy Saturday

I fell asleep early last night, accidentally, around 10pm. Naturally, by the time 4:30 rolled around, I had to wake up. It's nice to see the morning from this end. Though it's disturbing how I'm constitutionally wired to be awake at that most absurd of hours.

The weather has been beautiful this week, though a little suffocating, and I find myself homesick as I'm reminded that there is more to life than reading a language you don't understand until your eyes cross. Speaking of languages I don't understand, I've spent the whole morning reading a German book that my professor said I would need for my seminar paper. When the suggestion first came up, I laughed and laughed and laughed, and then I cried - I don't actually know German! I'm making fair progess; I just need to understand enough to recognize which passages will be useful to me. Still, it's a real German.

Today should be a fun day, and I'll see lots of people, and forget for a moment how piercingly lonely existence is for the modern man. It shouldn't be so hard. When I'm at home, I hardly have any fun, and no freedom at all, and I'm often bored and frustrated, but I never feel lost; and such was the trade-off, moving from primitive societies to modernity. We lost the old communal structure for personal freedom, and the price is that we have to work constantly to hold it all together and prevent menaing from spiraling out into oblivion.

Perhaps it's the case that within the family structure, other people (mom, dad) have always done this labor part for me. I was always so busy resenting their crazy rules that I never really appreciated how essential, and exhausting, the task is, however misguided the execution.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I Suppose This Is Why I'm So Unathletic

"Real gangsta ass niggas don't run for shit, cuz real gangsta ass niggas can't run fast."

I was listening to this this morning and it made me laugh. I guess that means I'm a gangsta!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

New Joke

What's the difference between a pimple and a priest?
A pimple waits til you're 13 to come on your face.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Dog tired. Perhaps it was the insomnia of last week; I can't seem to stay awake. I went to German this morning, had lunch with a friend, and then I just went home and that was it. I can't explain it.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

I'm on Fire!

I'm so impressed with myself this weekend. I've been giving out all kinds of great advice to friends - I'm totally on a roll - about relationships, dating, career, and I even repaired a friendship (mediating the simple principle of "bros before hos"). Why anyone would even ask me what I think is crazy, but I hear that my advice has actually been pretty sound. So if you have a problem, now's the time to lay it on me. Who knows how long it can last before Mad Social Scientist Rex takes the wheel again.

Cat's Out of the Bag

that I think I have, like, the best sense of style in the world. I didn't realize that I had sustained enough decency to keep mum about this opinion until Yeah I Can Ride a Horse said something like, "so now that you finally admit you think you're the best at fashion..." I guess I'm better at pretending to be modest than I thought; because after his comment, it occurred to me that yes, I was a little embarrassed about saying such a thing aloud. (In fact, the slip-up came through the compliment of another: "Gwen Stefani is the one person in the world who has as good, if not better, sense of style as me..." You can say I have a slight taste for the grunge.)


Anyways, my fabulosity at fashion made me reflect, sadly, on how I live beyond my means. I don't have the cash to pay for the extravagant space I'm living in, much less my extravagant vanity. But sadly, I have a way of justifying it: wouldn't it be a shame if I didn't take advantage of my God-given sense of style? Wouldn't I be depriving the world of a visual experience? Moreover, the day will come - and it's not too far away - when I'll be too fat and too old to even pull off whatever ensemble I have in my head. Gather ye roses while ye may.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Moses Pounds

I mentioned him way back when I first started this blog, about how he's a work of "found art" - the perfect name to start a porn career. Anyways, I was giving some thought to his movie titles, only to find out that another before me had already thought out the whole thing, and came up with the trilogy:

1. Go Down Moses
2. Moses and the Burning Bush
3. Moses Parts the Red Sea



Even before I started grad school, the advice that people would often give me was: "Think of a range of professors you'd want to work with. You want to avoid being colonized by just one person."

At the time I thought, Duh. Nothing sounded so supremely lame and sycophantic as modelling yourself to be someone else - and moreover, someone who was actually in your life, instead of an abstract idea (eg, "I want to be the next Marlon Brando"). But now that I've done grad school for a few months, my opinion on this topic is starting to change. There's a practical advantage, necessity even, to taking on a master-apprentice relationship. The status of the graduate student is in this odd no-man's land between colleague and student. Professors are not actually interested in teaching you, so much as in testing you and failing you and proving to you that you are in need of improvement. In other words, you're expected to arrive at a certain body of knowledge, but how you get there is anyone's guess.

If the graduate student is extremely proactive, she will self-instruct, seek out the books she needs to read, and hunt down the professors' office hours. But the little known fact about this model grad student is that she is just about the most odious personality you can think of. She IS able to access a "range of professors" to give her a professional advantage because she makes no bones about the fact that she's after recommendations, and not pedagogy or learning for its own sake. The professors acquiesce because she is the most colleague-like, and the least student-like, and that makes their job simple and finite, howevermuch they're just being used.

The more I see of this, the more I'm convinced that I'm incapable of just using people like that. So I turn to the master-apprentice model. In this relationship, the professor has some investment in you as a pedagogical project, since you are the most student-like, and she is willing to give you more guidance in learning the things you need to learn to get to where you're going. It requires some lameness and sycophancy, true; but perhaps the only way to get people to give a rat's ass about you is to stroke their egos. And when I'm evaluating the lesser of two evils, I think it's better to stroke someone's ego whom you genuinely respect, rather than someone from whom you're transparently expecting to network.

Happy Birthday, Izzy Stradlin!

My favorite Gunner, in my mature years, turns 44 today.

New Joke

What do you get when you microwave a dead baby?
I don't know, I was too busy masturbating.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Guy Problem

"...its an ancillary character on my stage of life" - The Bang

That's cool, now I have a clearer idea of what "ancillary" means. It was something I always kind of knew in an ANCILLARY way - ha! (Like "inclement": no one REALLY knows what it means outside of "inclement weather." Am I wrong?)

Red Hot Catholic Love

Stan: What would the priest...possibly want to put in our...butts?
Cartman: Maybe... No.
Chef: Hello there, children!
Stan: Chef! What would a priest want to stick up my butt?
Chef: Good-bye!
Tweek: Rrrh. Nobody is going to tell us. This is going to drive me insane!
Kyle: Calm down, Tweek. There has to be a rational explanation.
Cartman: Aw, dude, I think I might have it.
Stan: What?
Cartman: It makes perfect sense. Okay, work with me on this: if you eat food, you crap out your butt, right?
Kyle: Yeah.
Cartman: Alright, now keep working with me here, it's getting a little complicated. If you eat food and crap out your butt, then maybe, if you stuck food in your butt, you crap out your mouth. [Long pause] Hm?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


I was trying to deny it to myself, but I think I've fallen into one of my depressions again. I haven't had an episode since just before Thanksgiving, so it's been a pretty good spell for me. In fact, if you consider the parallelism of the timing, it just may be the doldrums one gets around now, because the semester should be so OVER by now.

But the funny thing is how inclined I feel to attach an image to my blues. I was feeling really sad today because I had not been able to work it out with ADD Boy (formerly the Jilter). It was a long and boring drama that last for two months, in which I saw him maybe four times and had three falling outs, but it just dragged on and on and on simply because he had trouble remembering that I existed...until I gave up on him, and then suddenly he'd remember me, and so we tangoed miserably. Finally I got worn out with it all, and told him to stop calling. "I'm trying to reduce the white noise in my life," I said.

Anyways, the crazy thing is I started to miss him today. He was never close enough to be a friend, and so there was with him, at least theoretically, the possibility of a vacation from myself, this tired little Biosphere Rex.

I'm dreaming of a tropical white sand beach, in a chair with the tide coming over my feet, and a palm tree shade swinging in and out.


I don't see how it's possible to be in a state of both panic and amotivation, but somehow I'm pulling it off. Last week I had this dream that I was eating, which always - without fail - indicates that I'm going to fall over sick. But then I didn't get sick. Last night I had another dream about eating. It was a veritable feast, which is bad; the more I eat the worse the illness is. And in addition to that, I felt nauseated even in the dream. I was chomping down on raw lobster and raw eggs. Truly, I'm terrified at what may be in store for me.

The Most Dire Horoscope

from, for Wednesday:

Temptations **
Be careful that people whom you have to deal with at this time represent themselves truthfully. Others will probably try to deceive you and if they do, the results could be even more discouraging. Don't let your desire to have things your way cloud your ability to see what is really happening, especially with people. At the same time don't become involved in any devious action yourself. You are not likely to be especially lucky at such schemes, and you may not want to face the consequences in the future. During this time you may also have to face the unpleasant consequences of past actions that you would rather avoid. You will be greatly tempted to turn your back and pretend that they didn't happen. You may even be tempted to take refuge in drugs or alcohol, but this is not the proper course.

A terrifying thought, I think I might start to be a believer. Some of the things they've said are wicked accurate. For instance, here's what they said about yesterday:

Lavish tastes
Valid during several weeks: This influence can be financially either good or difficult, depending upon how you handle it. Financial opportunities may come up, but difficulties may arise from your tendency to be extravagant. Often your tastes will be more lavish than your budget can afford. You are especially susceptible to beautiful clothes, jewelry and art objects to beautify your home. This influence can be quite favorable to financial negotiations. You will be able to handle the relationships involved in any transactions to your benefit, for this influence always grants the ability to handle people. Investments made under this influence are usually quite advantageous, especially investments in art or objects of beauty. Again, be careful not to invest money that you need for everyday living.

So true!

Monday, April 03, 2006


I had it last night and took some sleeping pills, but I'm afraid to do that again because the pills (even a half-dose) made me oversleep.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Elvis Was a Freak, Too

'On December 21, 1970, Elvis Presley paid a visit to President Richard M. Nixon at the White House in Washington, D.C. The meeting was initiated by Presley, who wrote Nixon a six-page letter requesting a visit with the President and suggesting that he be made a "Federal Agent-at-Large" in the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.'


SAT Analogies

P. Diddy : Paris Hilton :: Michael Jackson : Britney Spears

P. Diddy : Paris Hilton
- famous for being famous
- rich because they're famous, and famous because they're rich
- Paris would pretty much unknown if the sex tape hadn't come out; P. Diddy only got an opportunity to make it big because he was leeching off of Biggie, and Biggie's death was the functional equivalent of the sex tape; both found an "in" that was unrelated to their own talent

Michael Jackson : Britney Spears
- success based on some talent: dancing well
- success at a young age
- completely insane

Newton's Inexplicably Forgotten Fourth Law of Motion

"Michael Jackson is the most grotesque human being alive."

(Courtesy of Yeah I Can Ride a Horse, again)

Nate Dogg

Yeah I Can Ride a Horse was trying to convince me that Nate Dogg is a true rarity in the music industry: neither making it big on his own, nor fading into obscurity, he has managed to cruise in the odd zone of the "middle-class" rapper for 12 years - the whole body of his work consisting exclusively of being featured in other people's songs.

To this I replied: but he's in the right circle of musicians, one that has stayed relevant through those 12 years. To this my interlocutor said, but why would these relevant guys consent to being weighed down by this has-been/never-has-been? Suppose Coolio, or Warren G, asked to be featured in the new 50 Cent song - they'd think he was crazy! Therefore, it's singuar that Nate Dogg is able to keep doing what he's doing, for so long, and with such immobility.

I considered this proposition, and thought that it was maybe conceivable for Warren G to try something similar...

And then it hit me: Puff Daddy! He is exactly the east coast's answer to Nate Dogg, except maybe a little more proactive, and a lot more entrepreneurial/exploitative/talentless/odious. Has he ever done anything successfully on his own? No. Has he been around forever? Yes.

I think that's enough to prove that the Nate Dogg phenomenon isn't totally exceptional, and anyways, I imagine two such "middle-class" rappers is as much as the market can hold. They might be able to make room for one or two more (take note, Warren G), but beyond that is saturation point.