Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Most Dire Horoscope

from astro.com, for Wednesday:

Temptations **
Be careful that people whom you have to deal with at this time represent themselves truthfully. Others will probably try to deceive you and if they do, the results could be even more discouraging. Don't let your desire to have things your way cloud your ability to see what is really happening, especially with people. At the same time don't become involved in any devious action yourself. You are not likely to be especially lucky at such schemes, and you may not want to face the consequences in the future. During this time you may also have to face the unpleasant consequences of past actions that you would rather avoid. You will be greatly tempted to turn your back and pretend that they didn't happen. You may even be tempted to take refuge in drugs or alcohol, but this is not the proper course.

A terrifying thought, I think I might start to be a believer. Some of the things they've said are wicked accurate. For instance, here's what they said about yesterday:

Lavish tastes
Valid during several weeks: This influence can be financially either good or difficult, depending upon how you handle it. Financial opportunities may come up, but difficulties may arise from your tendency to be extravagant. Often your tastes will be more lavish than your budget can afford. You are especially susceptible to beautiful clothes, jewelry and art objects to beautify your home. This influence can be quite favorable to financial negotiations. You will be able to handle the relationships involved in any transactions to your benefit, for this influence always grants the ability to handle people. Investments made under this influence are usually quite advantageous, especially investments in art or objects of beauty. Again, be careful not to invest money that you need for everyday living.

So true!


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