Tuesday, January 31, 2006

State of the Union

True, I missed it simply because I'm uninformed. But while I was watching the analysts talking about it on NBC, it occurred to me that that was probably a good thing. Bush couldn't have said anything that might surprise me, and I'm sure that 95% of the words that came out of his mouth (including "the" "and" "America" etc.) would have pissed me off.

Hilary Rosen: "It was outrageous that he began his speech praising Coretta Scott King, when just today he helped confirm a Supreme Court that opposes everything she and Martin Luther King stood for."

Mediator: "How so?"

Hilary Rosen: "They're consistently against affirmative action, gay and lesbian rights, extension of voting rights -"

Tucker Carlson: "Since when did Martin Luther King support affirmative action? I defy you to defend that."


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