Thursday, January 05, 2006


I don't know where this came from, since I avoid horror movies if I can help it, but last night I dreamed one of the most horrific images I've ever seen. It involved a man sticking his finger down his throat, emitting a huge amount of projectile vomiting, and A WOMAN'S SOBBING HEAD spilling out amidst the many human body parts (fingers, toes) floating in the vomit.

Perhaps it had something to do with last night's South Park episode, in which Kenny eats a manitee spleen on a dare, then vomits it out, then eats his own vomit again on a dare. Since it was on syndication, they censored out the last part and ran a notice that read: "The part where Kenny eats his own puke has been cut for your protection." Protection!

Anways, if you're interested in plot: the dream started off as a trip to some nice Pacific island. My brother was posing in front of a nice ocean view, just in front of a fenced off area, and I was taking a picture. A bear was seen lurking within the fenced area, and hunting him was a savage - a headhunter, as it turns out. My brother at this point turns into some generic guy, and has an irresistable urge to jump the fence and hunt the bear too. I think he might have succeeded, because it really pisses off the savage, and as a token of revenge, he does the aforesaid puke trick, and announces something like, Behold the fate of your daughter!

Suddenly I realize that I'm watching a movie, because I'm screaming at the sight of a screaming severed head, and trying to cover my eyes. I also realize that I'm a guy - a very loser-ish guy - on some kind of a date. As I run away screaming from the movie, I'm pursued by a very gaunt, androgynous-looking librarian woman. She's trying to convince me to go home: she realizes that I'm lonely, but I shouldn't be there trying romance her. I look over my shoulder and I see another androgynous woman sneaking out the door behind me. It is clear that she and my date have had some kind of a tryst just now, but I also know, without a doubt, that this woman is...dead.

That was really scary. When I was woken (thankfully) by my phone ringing, I was almost too scared to get up and answer it.


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