Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Marijuana Growers Linked To California Fire

A cooking fire started by marijuana growers linked to a Mexican cartel is said to be responsible for burning around 90,000 acres of the Los Padres National Forest. What do you think?

"I've always advocated zero tolerance for dangerous activities, like cooking, from dangerous people like drug manufacturers or Mexicans."


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Milwaukee Mayor Beaten With Pipe

While calling 911 to report an assault at the Wisconsin State Fair, Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett was attacked by a 20-year-old man wielding a metal pipe. What do you think?

"Those deep-fried Oreos are so good they might as well be crack. Oh wait."


Monday, August 17, 2009

Cheney To Slam Bush In New Book

In his forthcoming memoirs, former vice president Dick Cheney will reportedly air grievances he had with his onetime boss. What do you think?

"This is his revenge. He always wanted to be called 'Richard Cheney,' but Bush thought it would soften his image to go with 'Dick.'"


Friday, August 07, 2009

Plague In China

Ziketan, a farming town of 10,000 in the Qinghai province of China, has been locked down in an attempt to prevent the spread of pneumonic plague. What do you think?

"And yea, in its great wrath did the Almighty Republic descend upon us a swarm of locusts, and demand too the sacrifice of our firstborn daughters."


Thursday, August 06, 2009

'Cash For Clunkers' Broke

Less than a month after it began, the federal "Cash for Clunkers" program—which provides owners of older vehicles with a $4,500 credit toward the purchase of a more fuel-efficient car—has run out of money. What do you think?

"Typical. The program went broke, and once again this administration wants to bail it out."


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

College Grad Suing Alma Mater

Trina Thompson, 27, is suing New York's Monroe College for $72,000 because she has not landed a job three months after graduating with a 2.7 grade point average. What do you think?

"That GPA would have been a 2.4 if she hadn't aced Negotiations 501: Living off a Frivolous Settlement."


Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Researchers Find New Strain Of HIV

Scientists recently discovered a new strain of HIV that originated in gorillas but is now infecting humans. What do you think?

"After 30 years and everything we've learned about the virus, one thing is consistent: humans will always violate simians."


Monday, August 03, 2009

Blue Food Dye Helps Spinal Injuries

Researchers have found that the blue food dye found in M&Ms and Gatorade may help new spinal injuries heal. What do you think?

"Repairing spinal injuries is an intermediary step in growing a tail."

"The same dye is found in Smurfs, which would reveal a hitherto untold story of Gargamel's struggle with paraplegia."


Sunday, August 02, 2009


I didn't make law review. Some idiots succeeded where I failed. I haven't exercised in months and I'm steadily getting fat. I've been dumped. I watched an old video of myself today and realized that the ex ball and chain loved me for being that girl, the one no one knows I used to be. He called me La Traviesa. I've gotten so old; I'm racing to the grave.

She put her bag and parcels down on the sideboard in the kitchen and asked in the direction of the pantry: "What are you looking for, Timofey?"

He came out of there, darkly flushed, wild-eyed, and she was shocked to see that his face was a mess of unwiped tears.

"I search, John, for the viscous and sawdust," he said tragically.

"I'm afraid there is no soda," she answered with her lucid Anglo-Saxon restraint. "But there is plenty of whiskey in the dining-room cabinet. However, I suggest we both have some nice hot tea instead."

He made the Russian "relinquishing" gesture.

"No, I don't want anything at all," he said, and sat down at the kitchen table with an awful sigh.

She sat down next to him and opened one of the magazines she had bought.

"We are going to look at some pictures, Timofey."

"I do not want, John. You know I do not understand what is advertisement and what is not advertisement."

"You just relax, Timofey, and I'll do the explaining. Oh look - I like this one. We have here a combination of two ideas - the Desert Island and the Girl in the Puff. Now, look, Timofey, please" - he reluctantly put on his reading glasses - "this is a desert island with a lone palm, and this is a bit of broken raft, and this is a shipwrecked mariner, and this is the ship's cat he saved, and this here, on that rock -"

"Impossible," said Pnin. "So small island, moreover with palm, cannot exist in such big sea."

"Well, it exists here."

"Impossible isolation," said Pnin.

"Yes, but - Really, you are not playing fair, Timofey. You know perfectly well you agree with Lore that the world of the mind is based on a compromise with logic."

"I have reservations," said Pnin. "First of all, logic herself -"

"All right, I'm afraid we are wandering away from our little joke. Now, you look at the picture. So this is the mariner, and this is the pussy, and this is a rather wistful mermaid hanging around, and now look at the puffs right above the sailor and the pussy."

"Atomic bomb explosion," said Pnin sadly.

"No, not at all. It is something much funnier. You see, these round puffs are supposed to be the projections of their thoughts. And now at last we are getting to the amusing part. The sailor imagines the mermaid as having a pair of legs, and the cat imagines her as all fish."

"Lermontov," said Pnin, lifting two fingers, "has expressed everything about mermaids in only two poems. I cannot understand American humor even when I am happy, and I must say -" He removed his glasses with trembling hands, elbowed the magazine aside, and, resting his head on his arm, broke into muffled sobs.


"Doesn't she want to come back?" asked Joan softly.

Pnin, his head on his arm, started to beat the table with his loosely clenched fist.

"I haf nofing," wailed Pnin between loud, damp sniffs, "I haf nofing left, nofing, nofing!"