I'm an Asshole
It turns out it was a minor quake, even though it didn't fell like one. Normally you hardly even notice anything under a 6, but this time we were sitting about 3 miles from the epicenter, so we felt it. My city's moment in the sun. You can tell it's a minor quake because all the news shows mention there's no serious damage (except for that one footage of the 100 year old brick building that crumbled), and instead all everyone is talking about is how this is a warm up for the "big one"....
Haha! What a joke! I remember those days in grade school when the "big one" was on everyone's paranoid Reaganite minds, and we had earthquake drills and had to pack earthquake food kits at the beginning of every school year. If the big one had come then, I would have died eating Vienna sausages. Pretty hilarious when you think about it now -
except maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all. It seems like people without that early training don't have an instinct to run for doorways or curl up under a table when the shaking starts, and maybe I only have it because of those 80s drills. And I certainly don't pack earthquake emergency food anymore, and maybe I should. Oh well, I figure Kramer will warn me before it comes.