Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Shark Attacks

I'm freaking myself out as I read about the history of shark attacks on the Pacific coast. Will I ever surf again? I was hoping, when I began studying this topic, to find out if there's a special shark season, and more importantly, when it might be over. Surfline directed me to a shark report newspage (, and I thought, Jebus, that's a lot of encounters in just the last few weeks. But unfortunately for me, there's no indication that these encounters will be abating any time soon. Instead of reassurance, I filled myself with information about shark attacks - and I may never have the nerve to enter the water again. Of all the terrible ways to die, getting eaten by something ranks pretty high. I can't stand the thought of people retrieving only half a torso of me for my funeral...

They say that 2 out of 3 times, the shark will release a human after the initial attack. The theory is that humans are too poor in blubber to make a worthwhile meal. Still, that leaves me with a 1 in 3 chance that the shark will finish me off. It only needs to be hungry enough.


Blogger Cephalopod said...

Well, yeah, see sharks are give you a test bite, like smashing a chocolate to check out the filling. Except unlike a dog or cat, a soft bite by a shark still inflicts a lot of damage. But also, unfortunately for surfers, the shape of the board combined with the moving limbs really looks like a big fat seal from below, and sharks have poor eyesight. This is why, although I had once dreamed of learning to surf for my 30th birthday, I won't get in the water. That's where sharks eat and shop, and I don't see them coming into like, seafood restaurants and stuff where people eat shark steaks. I respect their space. And also, the pollution is kind of gross too.

9:36 AM, April 23, 2008  

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