Sunday, April 01, 2007

Glass Ceiling

I heard that there's a guy in my department who's been saying douchey things like, "We the grad students refuse to go to any more of the lectures because there have been too many commitments lately and it's unreasonable." I'm not saying he's wrong or anything, except that by "we the grad students" he really meant "I, Mike Sampson" (he's the grad student rep), since this is not anything we grad students discussed collectively - and I happen to know that it's a jab at those of us who didn't host during prospectives weekend, unlike schmucks like Mike Sampson, and he really wants to reminds how much woe is he. His complaint got passed along to the faculty, who were surprised: shouldn't the grad students be glad that our program is hosting this very prestigious lectures series, and welcome the learning experience? But because he's a dude and fits the "mold" (whatever that is; I just know it isn't me), he gets away with it! The faculty just nod and murmur, "oh okay," and he's excused from further obligations! Meanwhile I get back-stabbed, and a reputation for being uncooperative, just because I try to be conscientious and don't whine about my problems to people for whom it's none of their business . And because I'm a woman. Who is not a douchebag.

God, I'm so sick of this this system that rewards doucheyness. I guess I've been complaining about it for a good month now, but seriously: women's lib has got a long, long way to go. I'm just starting to realize how people can still bring you down even if it's institutionally not permitted.



Blogger Da said...

I agree. It it totally unacceptable that he is allowed to get away with not doing his work because of frivolous reasons. (I consider not being able to time-manage your extracurriculars after the age of 23 a 'frivolous reason'.) And you know it would not fly at all if you did the same thing. Women get so much shit for asking for time off for child-bearing or family. Men should get at least as much shit for having LAME reasons.

10:02 PM, April 01, 2007  

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