Sunday, April 01, 2007

Champagne, Ramen, Nostalgia, Puzzlement

Friend's birthday party with a bottomless fount of champagne. Ramen twice in a week - my heart is hurting, I'm sure, with all the sodium. Nostalgia for those days when big rubbery platforms were in, so that even sneakers were high (enough to let you wear pants that were a bit too long for you) but didn't put you on an uncomfortable incline. Puzzlement over the A-/B+ grade I got on my last two prose composition assignments, after the B I got on the first one. I know for a fact that I forgot to translate a word altogether on the second assignment, because I was in such a hurry to leave for Canada that afternoon and I rushed through my homework. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I get the feeling that he doesn't even read what we turn in.


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