Monday, March 20, 2006

Most Fun Weekend

St. Patrick's Day -
Flew back to my alma mater, staying with HDG. We had lunch, and then split off as HGD had important honors thesis stuff to do. So I paid a visit to Marcus F, my infallible academic pick-me-up, because I got a terrible grade on my Latin midterm, but well-deserved, and unfortunately, my sincerest best effort. Marcus always knows the right thing to say because he's a slacker who likes to learn, like me, and he's very caring. We shared our favorite videos. Then I saw James C, among others, and James came up with the brilliant suggestion that I order Shirley Temples all night long at the wedding.

It's possible that I don't have what it takes to make it in academia. That would be a shame, because I do think I have some good ideas, in spite of my lack of drive to build the foundation.

On Friday night, HDG and DJ and I went to the city and met up with the Bang, the Bang's bf, and HGD's friends from the med school. It was a lot of fun. The Bang was just slightly belligerent while we were waiting in line to get in, a most enjoyable experience involving her pointing and calling people on the sidewalk fat.

The Wedding -
Running running late the whole time, everywhere. HGD and I missed the wedding itself by an hour because of the duplicity of mapquest, which led us all the way to Fisherman's Wharf, where we had to deal with a clown who planted in front of the car until we honked the shit out of him and yelled that we were late to a wedding; the clown then apologized and gave us lollipops, whereupon I felt like an asshole. It turns out it didn't matter that we got so lost, because the ceremony lasted exactly fifteen minutes, and we would have missed it regardless.

We did make it to the reception on time, and it was great fun. I saw a lot of friends I hadn't seen in a while, and the event was beautiful, and the bride was beautiful, and she looked so happy that it made your heart melt (to steal from the bride's dad's speech). All of us got jiggy with it in our formalwear, a most classy affair.


Blogger GyangBang said...

WOOHOO It was awesome to see you Rex! Aww I wish we lived in the same city again.. life would be so much more fun!

Add me to the list of lazy academics. I love learning but god do I hate tests.. very useless in my opinion :)


8:18 PM, March 20, 2006  

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