car un coi uriash in roaba
Romanian for, "I carry my one huge testicle in a wheelbarrow."
German modals - from a class exercise by yours truly:
Was WILLST du machen? (What do you want to do?)
Ich MOCHTE Studentlokal gehen und Bier trinken. (I would like to go to the pub and drink Beer.)
Ihr DURFT Bier trinken nicht. (You guys aren't allowed to drink beer.)
Du SOLLST zum Teufel gehen, alt Mann. (You should go fuck yourself, old man.)
German modals - from a class exercise by yours truly:
Was WILLST du machen? (What do you want to do?)
Ich MOCHTE Studentlokal gehen und Bier trinken. (I would like to go to the pub and drink Beer.)
Ihr DURFT Bier trinken nicht. (You guys aren't allowed to drink beer.)
Du SOLLST zum Teufel gehen, alt Mann. (You should go fuck yourself, old man.)
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