Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Two Great Pseudo-Racist Jokes in One South Park Episode

Normally I'm not a fan of the racist joke, but these I feel don't qualify. Both are more of a character sketch, and one is a bit of a sociological/psychological commentary on western color bias.

1. Mr. Garrison:
And so you see, children, Genghis Khan was a "Mongol," not to be confused with a "mongoLOID" like the actor, Nicholas Cage. Okay now, who can tell me...

2. Cartman:
I think I have a plan, though we'll have to do it tonight. [Visual sequence of the plan; the boys are wearing black clothes and black face paint.] We'll start by sneaking into town, cleverly disguised as black people...

Another great line, unrelated, from this episode:
Grampa: "You just try taking me to jail, scrotum-head! You just try!"

And while I'm on the subject of penis jokes:
Conan's word for New Jersey's word for foreskin = penis-mullet


Blogger GyangBang said...

MWAHAHAHA penis mullet!

10:34 PM, March 08, 2006  

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