Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Coppola, Scorsese

At the request of my new fourth reader, I'm expanding my previous post on New York Stories. Coppola was one of the three directors who contributed a short film, a piece entitled Life without Zoe. It is quite possibly the worst film I've ever seen, especially considering how short it is. If there were ever a movie that could fit so much badness into such small-sized pith, Zoe would be the one.

Magnolia was also god-awful, but that was partly because it just would NOT end. So it had a lower ratio of badness per unit time.

Anyways, the conclusion after watching Coppola's segment was that it takes a giant to make a big splash. It really is very mind-blowing that ANYONE, let alone a legendary film genius, would think something like Zoe would be worth the oxygen it takes for one person to sit through and watch it. Truly, Coppola must be a genius, because he has no fucking clue what a normal person would think. Either that, or Sophia was mostly responsible for this disaster.

Having said all this, I highly recommend that everyone go out and see this movie.

Scorsese again. Little known fact about him: his career began when a student piece of his was discovered by producer Roger Corman, famed of Hollywood B sexploitation films. I guess there's a certain B valence to mob movies...nevertheless, the aetiology is a delicious one. Like a lovely orchid blooming out of the mire.


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