Monday, April 04, 2005

Class of 2008

Rush is here. How horrified was I to find that the whole population that fits in the two circles of the Ven diagram "frosh" and "thinks she might like a sorority" has this one defining characteristic? And that is, they are all overwhelmingly neocon!!! Oh. My. God. How random is that? Not a population of bitches, not a population of hos; those I might be ready to handle. But no! Neocons.

Let me take a minute here to review Condi Rice's anachronistic Cold War politics; and Victor Hansen's book entitled, "Mexifornia"; and let me practice saying "weapons of mass destruction" and "freedom-loving patriots." Then maybe at the end of that conversation with some yappy little neocon bitch I might be ready to endorse gun ownership just because I'll understand why someone would want to put herself out of misery.

My friend Sarah L-R suggested that we don't let any of them in, and die with honor rather than compromise our identity. In my heart I agree.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell is a neocon?
---some googling---
Oh. Yeah, well you know, the sad thing is that national's just plain old conservative. Then again, the idea of Greek is very unliberal. There's nothing for the masses - it's all about exclusivity and "Hellz yeah we're better than you other ho bags." But unless you're on the super liberal side, the manifestation of classist society in the Greek system shouldn't be all that chocking, at least not in Palo Alto.

5:34 PM, April 04, 2005  
Blogger Rex said...

What? What is the "Palo Alto" you speak of?

10:12 PM, April 04, 2005  

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