Wednesday, August 08, 2007

What is it, you get a JD and lose all ability to wipe your own ass?

I was printing out some mailing documents for one of the attorneys (not Nice Boss or Tough Boss), when I noticed that that attorney had sent my mailing's cover letter to the copier. So, to save him the walk, I picked it up and handed it to him. He looked at it like he had no idea what it was (though it was his document). I suggested, Should I include this in the mailing? He looked at me in frustration and said,

"Can't you take care of this?"
"Sure. Do you want to sign it first?"
"Can you just sign my name for me?"

I admit, that made slightly more sense after I was told it's legal if you have the person's permission. But it still sounds pretty close to fucking insane when you consider that there was a pen on a nice fancy pen stand not two feet away from him...and that, you know, we're all adults who have been wiping our own asses since we were...9, at least. Or that's what I always thought, but maybe I'd be wrong.


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