Thursday, August 02, 2007

Assclowns Are Becoming Writers

You're going to have a built-in audience in me if you happen to write about serial killers. I haven't met one yet that hasn't perked up my interest, in spite of myself. So if you're writing about serial killers and STILL make me put down the page - and moreover, make me turn away from it in disgust - you know that you have to be some heinous breed of piss-poor writer.

This applies to some dude named Romero, who wrote an article about the 80s LA serial killer Richard Ramirez in a recent issue of Tu Ciudad magazine. His writing was damn near intolerable. I was trying to plow through it, even when he uses the adjective "savage" like it's a verb ("Ramirez savaged several more victims that night"), but couldn't take it anymore after these two the same paragraph:

"The detective surmised that the killer had murdered Nelson first, then raped the Monterey Park woman to satiate his sexual desire."

"The detective knew he was dealing with an ultraviolent killer, the likes of which the world has rarely seen."

Jesus. I could eat Alphabet Soup and crap out better writing than that.


Blogger Cephalopod said...

Are you still on the serial killer kick? I'm just a true crime person in general, they don't have to be serial crimes. Can I just tell you how much I love City Confidential on A&E and Court TV.

1:32 PM, August 03, 2007  
Blogger Rex said...

I think I might be transitioning into a more general interest too; this serial killer story wasn't sought out like the others, but someone in my office had just left the magazine in the kitchen and I started flipping through it. I'll check out your City Confidential. My love for SVU suggests a promising chemistry.

2:01 PM, August 03, 2007  

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