Kind of Amazed
I got my first paycheck yesterday, and while it isn't anything very impressive, it's still more than what I was living off of in grad school - with the added bonus that it goes longer, since I'm able to have a living situation that is qualitatively and financially better here. I'm a little awestruck that there is a greater monetary value on my sitting on my ass and shuffling papers than on my being an educator and a scholar. I guess that proves what I long suspected, that you only get paid to do the things that no one else wants to do.
Reflections after two weeks? My life is definitely more boring, and the work I do is pretty much worthless. But if there's someone willing to give me my piece of the pie in exchange, I say, bring it on!
Two supplemental points:
1. It is imperative, when you're a working stiff, to find meaning in your life outside of your work. Not only do I have to write on my own time, or something, but I also have to do all those yuppie things, like go to the gym, in order to round out my life.
2. Move upward! While this piece of the pie is pretty sweet for now, I definitely think I'm better than this.
Reflections after two weeks? My life is definitely more boring, and the work I do is pretty much worthless. But if there's someone willing to give me my piece of the pie in exchange, I say, bring it on!
Two supplemental points:
1. It is imperative, when you're a working stiff, to find meaning in your life outside of your work. Not only do I have to write on my own time, or something, but I also have to do all those yuppie things, like go to the gym, in order to round out my life.
2. Move upward! While this piece of the pie is pretty sweet for now, I definitely think I'm better than this.
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