Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Actually Working

What a weird week. My nice boss left town today for an arbitration, so I had to work hard and everything yesterday getting his exhibits together. Meanwhile, my tough boss is out of town this whole week camping. Yesterday I worked overtime, and since I thought I'd have nothing to do today, with no bosses, I got permission to skip out early, in order to take a make-up LSAT class for a class I had to miss yesterday (meaning that I've officially stopped pretending like I plan to work here for life). All would have been well, except that everyone else called in sick today, so I'm the one assistant left in the office, and I have to do everyone's work. Long story short (besides the fact that my writing has turned inexplicably verbose) my chilled out day has turned weiredly busy. One of the attorneys not usually assigned to me, but for whom I had to do a spreadsheet just now, is totally cracked out. She stayed with me on the phone for about 30 minutes to dictate what exactly I should put on her spreadsheet; if she had come in and done it herself, instead of working from home, I bet it would have taken her less than 5.

In any case, I'm leaving early, so all's good.


Blogger Cephalopod said...

it's always like that! by the time they explain how they want the edges of the paper to be frayed and then burned with a match for that ye olde look, they could have done it themselves. twice.

2:06 PM, August 09, 2007  
Blogger Rex said...

Lol! I've never done that project, but I think you forgot that step where you watercolor the whole thing brown, or dip it in coffee or something.

In the case of this cracked out lawyer, I hear from my coworkers that she was probably just "testing" me, because she likes to build platoons of minions to do all her work. That way, when (and if ever) she has to take revenge on someone, she could filter it through so many degrees of minion-separation that it's impossible to trace it back to her.

True story. What a complex fucking world.

8:53 AM, August 10, 2007  

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