Saturday, July 14, 2007

Embarrassingly Uninformed

I'm listening to the Epsilons' new cd, their sophomore work with a very sophomore sentiment in one of their songs, "Teeny Boppers," which is one of those reactionary rants against the spoiled rich kids of the OC: "You should read a book or a newspaper instead of doing nothing!" One naturally identifies with being NOT a teeny bopper, but then I suddenly remembered, again, that I'm woefully, notoriously uninformed - and how many times has my lack newspaper reading gotten me into places where I would have been better off with a bag over my head?

In the spirit of comedy, I thought I'd record a few of my greatest hits:
1. 2004?: Rene Girard and friends were talking about the Catholic priest scandal about a week after it broke headlines, and I said aloud, What is this?
2. 2007: As I was exclaiming over the beautiful union of KFC and Taco Bell, I learned that the merger had actually taken place about 3 years ago.
3. 2007: While promoting Hillary Clinton's campaign, I was informed by my challenger that Clinton had voted for the Iraq war.
4. 2007: I made some comment to my new employers about the how 2004 supermarket strikes gained some ground in the labor negotiations, and they told me that no, 2004 was a screaming disaster.

More to come, I have no doubt.


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