Monday, July 09, 2007

In Puerto Rico, Suckas!

Where the Starbucks provides free internet, the way all Starbuckses would in a dimension that makes sense. There is a drop-dead gorgeous barrista here, which is why I'm sticking around and blogging, when normally I'd get going to do vacation stuff. For some reason a lot of sites I need aren't loading (thesuperficial, American Airlines), so I'm kind of running out of excuses to stay. What a shame. The bad thing about barristas is that you can't ask them out for cup of coffee. Not that I would anyways. I'm not that ballsy anymore. A slow suspicion started dawning on me that all the cute people in the world did not age with me ("the great thing about high school girls: I get older, they stay the same age"), and putting myself out there now could very well make me the the "creepy old guy" that 19-year-olds are always complaining about. You have to be careful about that shit. I figure the only reason the creepy old guys act so creepy is because they seriously aren't aware of how the kids think of them as old.

Si las mujeres son moscas, tu eres la miedra.

Lingua de amor. Language of love.


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