Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I had the misfortune yesterday of watching the music video of yet another white girl who thinks she can dance and "sing." I'll grant that Britney Spears can dance, but the rest...well, Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Anyhoo, Lohan's whole song is about how people won't leave her alone and let her be herself. Oh, does it bother you, precious? Here's an idea: why don't you quit your media-pandering job and peddle funnel cakes at the mall instead? What's that? What did you say? You don't want to give up your beamer or your designer clothes? Yes, I'm sure that if we horrible people would just let you be "yourself", you'd lead a quiet, productive life of volunteering at old folks' homes and NOT mouthing off Hilary Duff. Because we, surely, are the ones keeping you from doing that.


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