Friday, September 30, 2005

Fur Council of Canada

I had a little lapse into the dark side last night, when I briefly considered that I might want to get a fur coat. So I did a google search, to see if I could get some analysis on quality and price. What I found was this group, whose purpose is to promote the fur market, the image and the economy thereof, and by implication, to promote Canada in general.

Especially alarming is #5.


1. Warmth
Warmth is the number one reason people like to wear fur, according to a recent poll of fur buyers. Fur is nature's most beautiful answer to Winter.

2. Fashion
Modern, casual or elegant, fur is always in style. More than 150 top international designers are now using fur in their collections.

3. Long-Lasting
Fur is a naturally durable fiber that lasts for many, many years.

4. Re-Styleable
As styles change, your fur can be updated and re-styled to reflect the latest fashions time and time again.

5. Environmentally Friendly
A fine natural product, fur is bio-degradable and a renewable resource.

6. Versatile
Fur can be worn for all occasions. Whether with jeans or an evening gown, wearing fur will make you look and feel terrific! With lighter weight fur and fur accessories, furs are now a three-season fashion.

7. Supporting Livelihoods and Cultures
When you buy fur, you support thousands of people living on the land - people who have a direct interest in protecting vital wildlife habitat. The fur trade is a proud North American heritage.

8. Responsible Conservation
Furs used in the trade are abundant. Strict government controls ensure that NO endangered species are ever used.

9. Comfort
Soft, sensual, cozy and lightweight - nothing equals the feeling of wearing fur.

10 Fur is your choice!
The fur trade is a responsible, well-regulated industry. You can feel proud of your choice to wear natural North American furs.


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