Sunday, September 25, 2005

Madonna-Whore Complex

I've long maintained that anyone in my family couldn't help but grow up to have a madonna-whore complex. Of course, I applied this mostly to my brother, and other members of my family who aren't me. I don't know why it took me so long to realize this, but I had a random psychological breakthrough the other day, that I MYSELF have a madonna-whore complex. Duh! How could it be otherwise?

I've been aware of this problem for some time, that I can't seem to feel any respect for the men with whom I'm involved; or, another way of putting this would be, I can't respect any man who would involve himself WITH ME. I've always found this vaguely troubling - did I have profound self-esteem problems, if I thought any significant other of mine automatically was a loser? - but I never gave much thought to the matter, as my self-esteem seemed healthy enough, as far as I could tell.

Then it occurred to me that my madonna-whore complex is a two-way street. I can't become involved with a person unless I see him as a whore, just as I myself become a whore in my eyes if I so much as flirt with a boy. Naturally, this does not stop me from flirting; I simply make a little mental adjustment to myself that I'm of a different status ("whore"; though for such a long time I've used the misleading label, "liberated"), and I go along on my merry way. Furthermore, in dating I (surely must) seek out people who could plausibly be considered whores.

It's obvious that I have to change my way of thinking if I'm ever to engage in a normal, healthy relationship. I have to get used to the fact that mutual respect does not automatically mean a platonic relationship, and only then, maybe, will I stop getting dumped for my abstinence. Ironic, isn't it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm. You know, I'm starting to see why you love the character Woody Allen plays in his movies so much... I think you have a lot in common with him. That's not supposed to be a negative thing, and I know you wont' take it as such, since you worship him. But remember Annie Hall's intro? "I would never want to belong to a club that would have someone like me as a member." That's one of the things you're driving at.

11:08 AM, September 29, 2005  

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