Wednesday, October 05, 2005

"Academic" Scholarship

There's a certain school, that shall remain nameless, sometimes referred to as the H-bomb, that is well known for being an asshole. Everyone knows that it doesn't give out athletic scholarships, like normal schools do, but has a strict veneer policy of seeming to reward only academics; at any rate, this may be one reason why its athletics uniformly suck. This is not to say, however, that this school is content with sucking in sports, as I learned with some surprise last night.

About ten years ago, there was this one kid who was a legendary wrestler in the New England high school circuit. He was so good that he didn't even really wrestle, but just played to the crowd - I guess a la WWF style. Shockingly, this champion wrestler was also as dumb as bricks. He got about a 650 on his SATs, effectively barring him from getting an athletic scholarship to a normal college. It's some kind of NCAA rule or something that you have to have at least a 700 to qualify for an athletic scholarship. So the H-bomb, in traditional asshole style, steps in an offers this dumb-as-bricks kid an "academic scholarship." Of course the kid couldn't last in that environment; but of course H-bomb wouldn't be the H-bomb if it didn't as least try get an unfair edge over everyone else through some dumb technicality.


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