Monday, August 13, 2007

Say What?

I was sitting here all morning doing nothing, and some LSAT homework, and thinking about how surely I'm going to get fired if this persists. I also happened to write an email this morning to a friend, in which I mused about how I'll need to go back to MI at some point in order to tie up loose ends and pry an MA out of them. This got me thinking: the MA plan is workable if I get fired in time to return in January, and then all my law school applications will be in and I'll have a whole semester free, which would be perfect for taking those exams or writing that thesis or doing whatever the hell it is they're going to make me do to earn a degree that would salvage those 2 years of edumacation. The problem is the timing: would I be able to stick around long enough to get a respectable line on my law school apps? If by December I can't demonstrate a commitment that lasts (or might be said to last, in the absence of contrary evidence) at least a year, I might as well not include it at all. But see, that scheme would appear to compromised these days by my sitting on my ass all day with no work.

Imagine my stunned pleasure when I get a call from one of the attorneys - the one who is Hell on Wheels. She was calling for another assistant, but she took the time to tell me that she's been hearing amazing things about me. It's pretty embarrassing to admit, but I have to say the compliment made me feel all giddy and blushy like a schoolboy. I mean, whew! what a relief to know that I'm not going to get fired...right away.

At the same time, I can't help asking, WTF? Is sitting on one's ass so fine a task that there's actually anything to compliment? Clearly something in the lines of communication is being dropped. Score!


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