Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I know I shouldn't get into a comfort zone because they're probably not the prime demographic I want to compete against, but my sensibilities were shocked today during my first LSAT class. I feel like most of them couldn't be students from the Claremont Colleges, because I hadn't seen this level of, well, whatever, since the summer I took Latin at UCI with a hodgepodge or people. Let me tell you, one girl couldn't say "irradiate" to save her life, since she kept seeing "irridate" instead. More shockingly, about 5 different people tried - and 5 of them failed - to pronounce "Kurosawa," while one of these people also couldn't say "Fellini."

But the real pisser of all this is that they still managed to do better with the logic games than me, ha!


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