Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Ali G Interviews James Baker

I guess this counts as another British comedy I enjoy.

How does you make countries do stuff you want?
Well the way you deal with countries in foreign policy issues - I think that's what you're asking me -
No doubt.
...is you deal with carrots and sticks.
But what country is gonna want carrots, even if there is like a million tons of carrots that you was giving over there?
Well "carrots," I'm not using that term literally. You might offering foreign aid to - money, okay? Money.
Money is better than carrots. Even if a country love carrots and that is like their favorite national food. If they get given like -
But don't get hung up on carrots. That's just a figure of speech.
So would you ever send carrots? You know, is there any situation -
No. No.
What about in a famine?
Carrots themselves? No.

Maybe what I don't like about British comedy is when it tries to be cheeky and clever. The ones I do like, I like because they're half-baked and asinine.


Blogger Bob Dively said...

Fav Ali G moment: Ali G is touring the UN and visits the General Assembly hall. He sees the nameplate for Jordan and asks the docent why Michael Jordan gets a seat in the UN but Africa doesn't.

I believe that it's the same one where he identifies the former Secretary General as Boutros Boutros *Boutros* Ghali.

Comedy gold.

2:02 PM, April 25, 2007  

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