Wednesday, April 04, 2007

HOW Many Times Is This Now?

I've lost track of all the shafts I got this year. The latest? Remember that Great Books job that I worked really hard to get? AFTER I get it my department tells me that, oh nevermind what I had going on, they would prefer I teach Latin instead. They just can't stand to see me happy. After like the 12th time, it gets hard to believe that they're really not out to get me.

The alleged reason is that they want to have all the younger grad students teach Latin next year. News flash: by next year, I'm not that young anymore. I'm right at the middle. So that's obviously bogus. I'm meeting with the fellowship advisor tomorrow, so maybe I'll get a hint about what the real reason is. No doubt it's simply that they can't stand to see me happy.

Now is the time to draw the line in the sand. I came across a useful quote from Jayne Mansfield today: "If you're going to do something wrong, do it big, because the punishment is the same either way."

Yeah, really. I've gotten preemptively punished, so what do I have to lose?

The Girl Can't Help It (movie)

Initially I was interested in this movie because I'm doing a research project about camp and kitsch, and my professor lent me a book called The Encyclopedia of Bad Taste. One of the entries was Jayne Mansfield. Which meant that I HAD to watch one of her movies, after that: how could I resist the "poor man's Marilyn Monroe" especially after I've been promised that she's campy to boot? I just went with the one Netflix recommended to me the most...and boy, was I in for an impressive surprise! It was actually a ROCK N' ROLL MUSICAL. Like the beach party movies (contributing, I'm sure, to Mansfield's camp affliations), with all that meaningless singing, barely explained by the plot. so that sometimes you can't tell if you just turned on a 50s MTV. But anyways, it was delightful: Little Richard, the Platters, Fats Domino, and lots more. In particular I liked Gene Vincent and the Blue Caps.

Jayne Mansfield's body is ridiculous. A single boob and a single butt-cheek are each bigger than her whole waist! You know she feels the pain of it too, because she looks positively crippled when she walks.


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