Joy Behar on Larry King
If Obama supporters want my vote they need to SHUT THE HELL UP. I'm pretty much set on voting for Obama in November, but I just might swing over to McCain, just to spite all those self-righteous, self-important Obama fanatics. Take Joy Behar, for example. My goodness, she could not stop sucking Barack and Michelle dick to help herself. When she wasn't fawning about "why wouldn't people vote for Obama?" or declaring that Clinton's women are indisputably in the Obama bag, so they should worry about white male voters instead, or interrupting Larry King, or making bonehead statements like The View could soften up Hitler's image - when she wasn't doing all that, she'd attack McCain under that typical bourgeois assumption that every reasonable person would share the same politics as herself. McCain is against a quick withdrawl from Iraq, so obviously we don't want to vote for him. Guess what? Just because some people were against the war doesn't mean they're going to be against rebuilding too! Furthermore, the war isn't necessarily even a partisan issue anymore, I hear. I've been hearing that some conservatives are swinging this election (and have been swinging for a while now) because they don't support the war.
Dude, NO KIDDING!! I am still trying to convince myself to vote for Obama, because those Obamaniacs are sooooo obnoxious. They're liberal fascists. And I am convinced that many of the hate women, based on the vitriol they threw at Hillary Clinton. And now they think because they won some front loaded primaries that the whole world obviously agrees with them and their messianic candidate. UGH!!! My sister keeps reminding me that John Paul Stevens (last real liberal on the Supreme Court) is like 97, so we can't ask him to hang on much longer. But damn, I would hate to have to vote for Obama to save the Supreme Court, since his supporters and his policies are so boneheaded.
"Messianic" - that's exactly the word I was looking for.
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