Wednesday, November 08, 2006

New Morning Show?

I lamented a while ago that my plan to wake up to Saved by the Bell every morning has been foiled by TBS moving it's time slot back an hour. Since then I've tried on some unsatisfactory substitutes, like Charmed, but now I think I might have a better solution: Ice-T's Rap School on VH1. Unfortunately it does not air regularly in the mornings, and it comes on a bit later than I would like. But I caught a bit of it this morning and...that show is GOLD! It has all the buffoonery that you would want out of a reality show, but it's also very sincere and cute, since the rap students are little kids; they're at the age where it's actually appropriate to have those kind of aspirations (ie to be a rapper) and their learning curve is much faster. You also get to see Ice-T throw down on some prep school brat when he starts to slack off and back-talk to the OG.

I've long since decided that Special Victims is the only Law and Order that I like - and incidentally it stars Ice-T as the team's narcotics expert. So in conclusion, Ice-T is a very prolific man.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're making good use of your mornings! Hehe. I miss you lots.

9:38 AM, November 09, 2006  

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