Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tripping in So Many Ways

"This is the person who got me blogging. It's the link on my blog that's called - hey, can I tell him?"

"Yeah, sure."

"This is Rex Bikini."

"No way! YOU'RE Rex Bikini?"

"Uh huh. You've read it?"

"Your blog is like the only blog I've ever read."

"You don't read Que-Ni's blog?"

"No. This is crazy! About a year and a half ago my friend sends me this link and is like, you have to read this, I think you'll like it. And yeah, it was interesting."

"Thanks. Hold up - who's this friend?"

"My friend Eric. He's a really nice guy."

"So...this is a friend who found me through Que-Ni's blog?"

"No, not me. I don't know this Eric."

Holy smokes. This was my first semi-brush with fame, and as much as I strive to maintain my anonymity, I have to say these little 15 minutes was not ungratifying. I mean, the whole premise of the blog (as opposed to a journal) is this fictional idea that maybe you can reach someone somewhere somehow; and for me at least, the fiction is enough to get me to write more regularly than if I were writing for myself. So on the one hand I'm amazed that the fiction came true on some level. On the other hand, I'm embarrassed that the quality of my writing tends to be pretty uneven, and at times downright frivolous.

Now, if only I can scheme up a way to turn this notoreity into something that pays the rent...


Blogger Que-ni said...

You got the double double-u skillz (i.e. W & W): Wit and Writing abilities. Bros before...

7:49 AM, October 04, 2006  
Blogger Rex said...


10:27 PM, October 05, 2006  

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