Tuesday, August 01, 2006


So I have this 26-year-old dorky coworker who's dating some naive 18-year-old, also from my work. Last week I said something to the girlfriend, just to open up her mind a little, that I don't think there's anything wrong with a girl dating a younger man, and that sometimes it can even be preferable (like, if the man is the player-type). She gave me the standard clueless answer, like boys who date older girls will treat you like their mom (a textbook case of armchair theorizing) and all boys "my age" are too immature (which may be true at 13, physically, but I really don't think there's anything socially that would catalyze a girl's maturity faster than a boy's, esp. at 18). What I didn't say then was Fine, but you know that the only 26-year-old you could possibly bag is a skeezy dateless loser whom chicks his own age shun like the plague...

Then today the boyfriend made some comment to me like I like to date little boys or something. I was too stunned to take issue with it, because I didn't think the naive chick could also be such a dumb ho to interpret it that way, and then go running off to tell her boyfriend; plus I knew HE couldn't have meant it maliciously, of all people, and that if I were to show that I was offended, I would have to articulate just how sick I thought he was for dating teenagers, and I didn't want to go there. But seriously: only a sick pervert like this child molester or this naive chick could possibly have interpreted "dating a 22-year-old at 24" as "dating little boys."

You know what, tomorrow I'm going to set him straight, even if it causes an ugly scene. In this business I'm in, I can't let misunderstandings like this accrue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know... sometimes it is just better to have losers date losers, and let them be. if the girl is stupid and the boy is skeazy, well, thats two people out of the dating pool that we wouldn't want in there anyway.

6:51 PM, August 01, 2006  

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