Sunday, July 30, 2006

State of Discontent

I feel icky all over. I was still undecided on what to do about New Guy, but then that problem kinda got taken out of my hands because he hasn't returned my call. Oh well, it's for the best, I thought; he probably realized that we were fundamentally incompatible, and perhaps he met some other chick this weekend that facillitated that revelation. Then I tried to explain to my mom what I meant by "incompatible," and how sometimes you can give it your darnedest, but if it isn't right it isn't right. This was a very challenging explanation, involving a history of "machismo," etc. Then my dad came in and started watching TV, and also listening in and saying that he couldn't understand what I was talking about, so I said we'll continue this conversation some other time. I don't think they even noticed that I kinda stormed off. Seriously, if I'm putting this much effort into trying something they want, the least they can do is listen to me.

Then there's last night, which I'm still pissed off about. I did not want to go out, but I made that effort and that drive, only to find two friends who were all partied out from the night before (where they didn't even invite me, bitches), and one of those friends was so crabby that she started making really snide and/or potentially racist remarks. (I know it's not malicious, but if I have to hear one more person talk about how Asian men are undateable...everyone has their preferences, and I respect that; but if I wanted your opinion I would ask for it.)

I can't quite place this feeling I have that I'm hemmed in. Maybe I need alone time. Maybe I should go surfing tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww... chica, come up to the bay.

10:56 PM, July 30, 2006  

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