Sunday, July 09, 2006

Instead of seeing Agent Orange tonight

I stayed home and watched Saved by the Bell. Why? Because my parents are fucking buttholes. Sometimes I can't even fathom what's going on in their minds, because they say the craziest things. Things like, I can't do anything slightly dangerous because I could be okay the first 999,999 times, but all it takes is that 1 time for me to die. That if I go out and anything happens to me, then I'd sure better die because that's preferable to living after a tragedy (= rape). I swear to God, I going insane!! I can't take this. I really, really can't take this.


Blogger GyangBang said...

HAHAHA! Aww sorry. When I told my mom I wanted to go to the carribean for vacation she brought up the "Natalie Holloway" story.. They do it because they love you and don't want to lose you.. Doesn't make it less annoying though I guess..

1:08 PM, July 09, 2006  
Blogger Rex said...

Thanks for the sympathy. One day, when I'm not so mad at my parents, I'll tell them that one of my friends had their back. But that day will be a long, long time from now. I hate my life.

2:59 AM, July 10, 2006  

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