I had this thought that maybe conservatives aren't just plain evil; maybe they're idealists, while liberals are realists. That could account for why Bush is coming down on the side of amnesty this time (unless he has an ulterior agenda, which is entirely possible; like I said, I'm not totally on top of this issue). Having been a governor of Texas, he may know by now that we are way out of our league with this border control thing, so we might as well make the best of what we got, instead of letting people die or whatever. The representative from Iowa, on the other hand, thinks that a physical wall - like in prisons, or Berlin - will solve all our problems. As if walling a prison and walling the southern borders of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and TEXAS were even close to the same thing.
Lol. Wow, I never looked at it that way, but I would agree with you - Republicans are way more idealistic and Democrats are way more realistic. When I think back to debates with my Republican roommate he always assumed certain conditions and talked in "should bes." My responses back to him usually took the form of "it would be nice if.. but the fact of the matter is that.."
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