Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ridiculously Itchy

OMG, these allergies are killing me.

I wonder why there isn't more anxiety about playing with stray cats among society. This morning I saw a little orange striped kitty outside my window, so I couldn't resists going out and petting it. But when it tried to rub up against my legs, I realized how germy it must be, so I backed away. Then it hit me that normal non-hypochondriacs don't worry about shit like that. How come?

Not that I think the cat is what's making me sneezy. I've had these allergies all week.


Blogger GyangBang said...

LOL! This reminds me of the moments something incredebly mundane happens yet I start to panic and do something only a hypochondriac would do. E.g. Today my roommate's cat jumped onto the countertop from the fridge after drinking water. It shook itself and consequently water from its mouth splashed onto me. Because I had seen the cat outside earlier eating some questionable fauna I thought the water around its mouth might be contaminated with something. Something like what? I dont know. And the sheer ridiculousness of the thought didnt keep me from drenching my arm with warm water..

3:11 AM, May 15, 2006  

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