Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Audio: Bluegrass

Last week I was listening to this bluegrass show on the radio. It's too bad the country western sound has such a bad rap these days, I guess on account of it turning into pussy serenade music (like, I don't even know, Lonestar?). Because I thought all the banjo and fiddlin' stuff of the bluegrass persuasion was really fun to listen to.

And yet this is probably the first subgenre that a self-proclaimed country music fan will denounce. How many times have I heard people say, half-apologetically, "I like some country...oh but NOT twangy country!"? Madness! The twangier the better.

Anyways, the other day I was arrested by an elegant little instrumental tune by Jim Mills. It had a great title: I Started Loving You Again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a self-proclaimed country music fan denouncd bluegrass, I would bitchslap them. Is the "I like country but not twangy country" an actual quote? To quote the year years 1980-1989: gag me with a spoon.

6:41 PM, May 17, 2006  
Blogger Rex said...

Dude, that is an EXACT quote, from at least one of my friends. I've heard other mutations, like, "I like country, but you know, the cool stuff like Shania Twain."

12:03 PM, May 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exact quote, eh? Words can't describe my disgust. I seriously though you might've been exaggerating for effect, but here's yet another instance in which a real situation is far more bizarre than something we could've fished out of our imagination. Michael Jackson, for the record, is the apotheosis of this concept.

9:28 PM, May 18, 2006  

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