Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Good Day

I started this morning with a bang when I had the good fortune of catching the Killers' "All the Things That I've Done" video on VH1. I'm nuts about the Killers, their videos that is. What can I say, I'm a visual person, and I their videos are visually stunning. As a byproduct, I'm even starting to like their music (yeah, the auditory is not my strong suit)...

I must have got my cable tv right when that video was starting to get phased out of MTV. Luckily for me, VH1 is hopelessly not hip with the times. Catching that long-awaited video again jolted me wide awake - which as a rule doesn't happen for me - so I had plenty of time to get dressed and cook a meal and walk to school and even get some homework done before class! What a positive start!

I was wandering around in the library just now looking for a commentary to one of Cicero's orations. Two out of the three were checked out, and I couldn't for the life of me find the third, even though the database said it was on the shelf. I looked about four times, and was about to give up, when I saw a thin book with its call numbers all but smudged away. Could this be my book? I opened it, and gasped when I saw that it was! I wasn't able to find it because it was shelved in the wrong place, probably because the librarian couldn't see what the call number was.

And all that was a long and boring way of saying that, on a miniscule scale, today is my lucky day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take care, m'love.

9:39 PM, October 26, 2005  

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