Monday, September 12, 2005

Kanye West

is a shithead and an ignoramus. I saw an interview with him today on MTV2, in which he deplored the representation of homosexuals in hip hop videos (?) and declared, as if he were saying something really profound and controversial: "That to me is discrimination. It's a form of discrimination."

First of all, I have it on the best authority that "homosexual" is not the PC term. "Gay" is preferred, as it connotes something less of a disease or a psychosis that "homosexual" historically has carried.

Second of all, West has no right to be acting all high-handed about respect toward minorities. In one of his videos (I forget which; Dion from Clueless is in it) he depicts an Asian family acting clumsy and obsequious, constantly bowing, in the stereotypical way. Personally, I immediately despised him right there - I have no right to make black jokes, he has no right to make Asian jokes - but I might have been able to overlook it if his stereotyping was in the South Park kind of spirit: irreverent, funny, and pan-offensive to EVERYONE without exception. Instead, West goes off and starts acting like he's some kind of enlightened messiah for social harmony. What a dick.


Blogger GyangBang said...

You have every right to make black jokes. Its called the Minority Club haha.. Although internationally supposedly whites are the minorities? Well thats neither here nor there since pretty much every country hates "white america" so they have no leeway to judge other cultures. Anyway, I'm getting a little sick of Kanye myself. I think he's an overhyped, semi-idiot. I say semi instead of complete b/c sadly he represents a better side of black culture. His sheer motivation and tenacity to see his dreams through must be commended. But now that he's "reached the top" so to speak he's not really doing much up there. Even though his songs are catchy when I listen to the lyrics I get no sense that he is really trying to empower anyone. Instead he goes on and on about how people never believed in him and how he still made it - a COMPLETE narcissist. Sigh, anyway maybe with age he'll get better. Then again he gives me the vibe of being a hard headed fool able to rise above a standard thats low in the first place.. again I can say this b/c I'm black :) but I also contend since you're asian you can say the same thing :)

2:37 PM, September 13, 2005  
Blogger Rex said...

Haha, the Minority Club... Yeah, I should amend my statement: Kanye could have gotten away with the Asian joke if it was funny, or at least funnier than it was offensive. Such is the nature of all jokes, like say, dead baby jokes. But the dynamics of all that gets changed when he starts taking himself too seriously.

I kind of like Kanye's songs myself, even though I don't pay much attention to lyrics.

3:59 PM, September 13, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think he was on the cover of Time recently, so he must be feeling pretty important. Never heard the guy's music, myself... But I trust you're correct in saying that he's being hypocritical here.

6:42 AM, September 14, 2005  

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