Monday, July 18, 2005

Old Crush

Yesterday I met up with an old crush from elementary school. I hadn't thought about him in years and years and years, but out of nowhere one day I got this deja vu. Long story short: google search, email "hey, remember me?" (survey said: average rating of 8 out of 10 on the creepiness scale, 10 being restraining order), met over a beer (and diet coke) last night.

I remember that I totally wasn't even thinking about going through with it when this idea first hatched itself in my mind, but once again, my mentor Andrew WK came through for me. It was his "I ain't got nothing to lose" that made me think, oh what the hell. And the conclusion? I'm SO GLAD I did it. It was a ton of fun, and not half as embarrassing as I thought it would be. The thing we forget as adults, I feel, is that our skin is thicker now and we're much more prepared to face childhood insecurities with a teeny bit of grace.

For those of you who are about to ask, the dude is already dating someone. But fortunately for me, I'm exceptionally good at being a comfortable friend, never awkward or inappropriate, when occassion and conscience demand.


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