Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Who Knew That Johnny Rotten Is Such a Comedian?

I sure didn't, because I only know him for being angry, almost juvenile, certainly unsophisticated - I didn't predict that fine English wit! Not that I think the English are particularly witty, but they have a way with the language that is amusing, and Johnny Rotten's Loveline guest spot tonight did a good job of hitting those subtle points. I'm not even sure I could put my finger on it. Maybe it's his voice, or his predilection for rhymes and aphorisms: there's something about him that resembles a nursury rhyme, a bedtime story, a puppeteer, or a school marm. I don't think I'm being very clear about it because I'm very, very tired right now. Suffice to say that I picked up a choice new phrase: "You're a saucy missus, aren't you?"

I'll have to play it back tomorrow to gather some more.


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