Monday, February 12, 2007

How Embarrassing

You know how you (or at least I) bumble through life committing a thousand embarrassing acts a day, and sometimes the recollection will come flooding over you and you suddenly realize what a doofus you are? I just had one of those right now, after I a took a nap and woke up thinking, "wow, my face sure is red." Basically I have a problem with silence, so whenever I meet with it I say the first thing that comes to my mind, and in (one of) today's episode it happened in class, and the first thing I thought of saying actually turned out to be completely irrelevent to the topics in the readings. Oh well. I guess this is consistent with my experience elsewhere that every other minute of life would probably be too excruciating to bear if we didn't construct these elaborate worlds of denial. In my case, it's the denial that the panorama of my life usually strings together to spell "doofus."


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