Monday, July 17, 2006

What I Find Obnoxious

are those people whom you don't know that well, but they think it's okay to make fun of you. I just remembered a particularly bad version of this from last Friday. My friend's friend was jesting at me - and incidentally, not even my actual friends thought that what I was doing was funny enough for commentary (I was trying to get the DJ to change the music) - and I didn't know what I was supposed to say to her. If she were a total stranger, I would say, "Get the fuck out of my face, idiot brain," but obviously I couldn't say that to a friend's friend. If it were my actual friend making fun of me...well, usually there isn't that uncomfortable silence which I'm then expected to fill up and smooth over. Seriously, the last thing I am is a Miss Manners. And yet I repeatedly find myself in that position where I have to compensate for other people's blunders.

The way one does that, usually, is to make a fool out of oneself in order to make the other party feel less foolish. Learn to stop making fools out of yourselves, people. I'm sick of sacrificing myself for the social harmony.


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