Monday, July 17, 2006

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

I give it a "fair" rating. It has nothing to do with the Odyssey, however, aside from a few names. Interesting how our expectations work: if they hadn't said anything about the Odyssey, who knows, I might have been calling it a rip-off. But as a professed adaptation, I expected far more ripping off. The one (possible?) allusion I thought was clever was the governor as the king of the Phaeacians. There were a lot of other stuff I couldn't identify. What was the character of the blind radio guy, Milton from Office Space? Demodocus? Tommy Johnson, as far as I could tell, was simply Robert Johnson - who was real life, not Homeric. George the bank robber had something to do with the cattle of the sun, but it neither made sense what he would have been in the Odyssey, nor why he's relevant the protagonists in the movie itself.


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