Sunday, August 14, 2005

Those Crafty Sons of Bitches

I've said it before and I'll say it again: as much as I hate Republicans, I have to admit that they're brilliant. Brilliant and so fucking Satanic. I just read an article in the LA Times about how the Republicans are putting a measure on California's special elections ballot this November that will prohibit unions from making political contributions without express permission from their members.

1. Of course this will sound good to voters who belong to unions. "This puts the power, and the sweet cash, back into my hands," they say. "Why should I let others decide for me what cause I support? I can make contributions at my own discretion." Of course, they won't stop to consider that a larger union has more political clout than their $25/year will have by itself.

2. Conservatives, traditionally not in unions, will vote to pass the measure because it will weaken the opposition. First and foremost, the Democratic party, since this is the side unions usually support/agree with ideologically. Plus, once unions are required to get members' permission - precedent has shown - the overall funds available to the unions for political contributions will diminish greatly. I think I read that after a similar measure passed in a different state, a mere 6% of the teachers' union chose to pay dues for political causes. So with one fell blow: less power to the unions; less power to the Democrats; party for the Republicans.

3. So this leaves a small population of non-unions liberals like me who will vote against this measure, in the interest of the greater good and the health of the two-party system. Naturally, we're going to feel a little bad about telling union members what to do with their money. Thus, as we get hissed at by groups (1) and (2) above for that very reason, we will wonder why a proposal like this should even appear on the state ballot, instead of remaining an issue to be decided by the unions' internal organization.

It's the diabolical genius of the Republicans, that's why. How can we fight fire with fire, and convince THEIR constituency to vote against their own interests? Something to mull over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:13 PM, August 14, 2005  
Blogger Rex said...

Done and done. But I do hope that Republicans have better things to do than persecute some nobody liberal living in a region so Republican that my vote doesn't even count.

9:58 PM, August 14, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your vote still counts on a State level, Rex!!!

10:26 AM, August 15, 2005  

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