Thursday, June 02, 2005

Disturbing Mind-Images

(I noticed that the episode was narrated to me incorrectly. So here's the script I ripped off the web.)

Actor [singing]: Why not use a trick we actors use, cover your eyes and ears to see what it would be like to be blind and deaf. See what plays inside your mind.

[Cartman does so and it is followed by a montage of horrific scenes, the holocaust, someone on fire, grisly operations, a dead rat being eaten by another rat, etc.]

Cartman [takes off blindfold and ear muffs]: WOAH!
Actor: Anything useful?
Cartman: No, just the stuff I usually see when I close my eyes.

* * *

I noticed today that I have a zit on my earlobe. Though this image is not nearly as disturbing as Cartman's, I had a little fantasy just now about getting my ears pierced just so I can lance this stupid zit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And get your entire earlobe infected by the bacteria swimming in your zit? Lovely.

12:44 PM, June 03, 2005  
Blogger Rex said...

You'll be glad to know that I popped the zit - the old-fashioned squeezy way. And yes, my earlobe is all big and inflamed now. Yes!

3:52 PM, June 03, 2005  

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