Friday, May 06, 2005

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

What a strange day. Within a window of about ten minutes, I experienced all three - fortunately in reverse order, but unfortunately in decreasing intensity.

The Ugly: saw Asshole #2 in the library. It was too late and too close for me to avoid him, so I was forced to acknowledge. I chose the supremely lame and lukewarm peace sign.

The Bad: almost ran over Asshole #1 with my car. I was exiting the parking lot, and he was crossing the street. I'd be lying if I said I didn't think of flooring the gas right then.

The Good: my new cds were waiting for me at my door.

It took a few hours for it all to settle in, but having everything whelm me like that was...well, whelming. I wept when I thought of it, because I realized that I will never, ever be able to forgive, sincerely, either asshole, as long as I can remember how much it hurt. They could burn in a lake of fire for a thousand years and that still wouldn't change a thing.

So unbelievably, all that's left to do is forgive - make myself forgive, and God willing, forget! If there's not a goddamn thing, in this life or the next, that either asshole can do to make it better, then I have to accept that the only miracle that's going to happen is the one I make for myself. Because if I don't work this miracle, I have to keep feeling this offense until I die.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's focus on the Good... what CDs were they?

Also: I saw the Stepford Wives on the plane trip back to the States... I actually thought Nicole Kidman was pretty cute as a shortish-haired brunette. So, I rescind my former statement that she wasn't that great.

7:17 PM, May 06, 2005  
Blogger Rex said...

Depeche Mode (the singles collection), the Cramps (Stay Sick).

Oh yes, I don't think Kidman isn't worth looking at; I just think she's not worth watching. I've been told that Moulin Rouge might challenge my theory, but that's a musical, so by your standards it would suck by default.

11:19 PM, May 06, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True, true.

Well, I imagine some musicals can be entertaining, but that doesn't stop them from being the lowest form of art.

11:14 AM, May 07, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I <3 musicals. Especially Moulin Rouge!

12:27 PM, May 07, 2005  

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